How to Make a Custom WordPress Theme in a few Minutes

In this step-by-step WordPress tutorial, we show you how to use the GeneratePress theme & Elementor plugin to create a beautiful custom WordPress theme using custom designed in Adobe Photoshop or Adobe Illustrator.

Why do we need a custom WordPress theme?

There have been many times in which I have gotten disappointed with promising premium themes that proved to be incredibly slow. This was money that had been wasted because there was no chance I would stay with any multipurpose theme that promised the world, but ended up with pages that took 4-5 seconds to load. A disaster in terms of SEO. Since I am a WordPress Developer & SEO Strategist, I would prefer to develop WP websites from scratch (Design template using Adobe Illustrator -> Build a Child theme -> Develop pages using Elementor Plugin)

These are step-by-step

  • Design your own templates using Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, after that slice this template into slices
  • After setup WordPress, Install GeneretePress child theme – you can download it from here
  • Now, install Elementor plugin
  • Start creating a page using Elementor and import your sliced images (header, body, footer) as per your template, please refer this

Now, your own custom WP theme is ready for launch in a few minutes. Developing your own custom WP theme is always best for fast page loading, mobile responsiveness, use any plugins & good for SEO optimization.