What Kind of Content Will Perform The Best on Social Media in 2024

As we embark on the journey into 2024, it’s essential to align our social media strategies with the ever-evolving landscape. To guide us in the right direction, Neil Patel’s NP Digital recently conducted a comprehensive analysis of 6,302,491 pieces of content across the major social networks – Facebook, Instagram, X, LinkedIn, TikTok, and YouTube. The results shed light on the current trends dictating the social media game.

Video Content Dominance

Unsurprisingly, short-form videos take the lead, commanding a staggering 31.38% of engagement. However, it’s crucial not to tunnel vision on this format alone. Long-form videos (15.51%), interviews, podcasts, and expert talks (13.84%), and live videos (12.37%) also hold significant sway. Diversifying your content strategy by repurposing longer videos into short-form snippets ensures a broader reach across platforms.

Text-Based Content’s Hidden Potential

While video content dominates, text-based content still has its place, albeit in a separate category. Not all platforms embrace text, but for those that do, certain formats stand out. How-to guides (38.53%) and listicles (32.71%) remain audience favorites, proving that classic formats withstand the test of time. Even in the age of video, well-crafted text content can carve its niche and captivate audiences.

User-Generated Content

Encouraging user-generated content (UGC) continues to be a potent strategy. However, not all social networks treat UGC equally. Instagram (28.19%), YouTube (27.04%), and TikTok (23.94%) emerge as the frontrunners, demonstrating that audiences on these platforms are more receptive to content created by their peers. Quality remains paramount, as social networks reward compelling content, and organic reach can still thrive with strategic testing.

The Testing Imperative

Given the dynamic nature of social media algorithms, posting content without testing its resonance can be risky. What you perceive as gold may not resonate with your audience. Most platforms penalize subpar content, impacting the reach of your entire portfolio. Testing your content ensures that you’re delivering value and maintaining a positive reception from your audience.

Platform-Specific Insights

Understanding each platform’s preferences is crucial for optimizing your content strategy. For instance, short-form videos dominate on TikTok, while Instagram favors user-generated content. LinkedIn and Facebook value high-quality, valuable content, so frequent posting without substance can lead to diminished reach.

As we navigate the social media landscape in 2024, a holistic approach to content creation is key. Balancing short-form and long-form videos, incorporating engaging text content, and strategically leveraging user-generated content will help you stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of social media. Test, adapt, and keep a pulse on platform-specific preferences to ensure your content continues to captivate your audience.