what is keyword mapping

How to Do Keyword Mapping: A Step-by-Step Guide

Most people believe you have to write “new” content to get more traffic. But what about adjusting your existing content? Believe it or not, it is easier to get more traffic by just modifying your existing content. One way to do this is by integrating relevant keywords into older articles. This is called “keyword mapping”. In which you are pairing new or relevant keywords to existing pages in order to maximize your rankings. What is Keyword Mapping? Keyword mapping is the process of assigning relevant keywords to specific pages or sections of a website. It is an important aspect of […]

AnswerThePublic - Keyword Research Tool

The Ultimate Keyword Research Tool

AnswerThePublic is an online keyword research tool that has quickly gained popularity among marketers, content creators, and SEO professionals. It is a powerful tool that helps users to generate content ideas, understand their target audience, and improve their search engine rankings. In this blog post, we will explore the features and benefits of AnswerThePublic. What is AnswerThePublic? AnswerThePublic is a free online tool that generates hundreds of relevant keyword suggestions based on user queries. It uses Google’s autocomplete feature to provide users with a comprehensive list of questions and phrases related to their keyword. The tool provides insights into what […]

free tool for keyword find

Free Tool? Want to See All the Keywords for Your Websites Get Visited?

We all know that plenty of paid SEO tools (SEMrush, Ahrefs, Ubersuggest, MOZ..etc.) offer keyword overview, keyword ideas, keywords by traffic, keywords ranking, content ideas by keyword, competitive research, and much more. But, If you’re looking for a free tool, I suggest going ahead with Google Search Console (GSC). It’ll be the best and more accurate tool than any other 3rd party tool. Google Search Console (GSC) offers various reports and insights: Search queries or keywords by the visitors Top pages visited by users. Visitor’s country User’s device