3 SEO Hacks That Just Works

These strategies are so effective, especially If you’re a beginner.


The first tip is questions-and-answer types of content (faq webpage). Have you ever heard of the site Quora? It’s a simple question-and-answer site, and it’s super popular. It’s one of the top hundred websites in the world, according to Similarweb. Quora gets traffic by just answering questions that people are curious about. These questions are long tail keywords. In other words, they contain many keywords. Best of all, they aren’t competitive. It’s easy to rank for questions because no one is targeting them.

So how do you find these question-based keywords in your industry? Well, have you heard of a tool called AnswerThePublic? It’s a tool that shows you all the popular questions people are asking. Head to AnswerThePublic, type in the keyword related to your space, and hit search. You’ll then get a list of all popular questions within your space.

Make each question a unique page, assuming you have enough content to write about.

Second, you need to have a great answer. For example, I wouldn’t create a page answering the question of what’s two plus two because everyone knows it’s four. If I had a sports website, I may answer the question of what is it like to be an Olympian? And if not, they can just Google it.

Third, you want to update your answers as things change continually. Just think of Wikipedia. It is the ninth most popular site in the world. Why? Because they keep their content updated.


Have you heard of calculator.net? The site doesn’t look amazing, but it has 6.2 million backlinks. Let me say that again, 6.2 million backlinks. “How?” You may ask, it’s because they have calculators on everything. People love linking to calculators. You will build links naturally if you release free tools that people want and love. If you can’t create these tools, you can just go to sites CodeCanyon, and Phpscriptsonline, buy the tools, pop the bubble on your website, and boom, and you’re off to the races.

If you’re from the healthcare industry, offer free health tips. If you’re from the sports industry, provide sports-related recommendations.


Allow users to write website blog comments and respond to comments that drive good organic traffic. Quora and Reddit sites earn millions of organic traffic daily through their answers to questions and comments.