Why do you see a difference in the number of unique link clicks between Facebook Ad Manager and Google Analytics?

I believe the question in the title came to your mind often. The answer is because of the recent Apple iOS update, where it asks users If they want Facebook to track their activity. If they deny it, then the pixel won’t track any sales or clicks. Apple doesn’t block you from tracking; users just opt out from “targeted ads.” The ads are still being shown to them, and FB uses modeling to determine the conversion numbers.

To get past that, make sure you use UTM tags on your ad creatives to track sales or count clicks. (It’ll track them from the website instead of the pixel)

e.g., https://www.coderobotics.com/?utm_source=Facebook+Ads&utm_medium=Coderobotics&utm_campaign=Coderobotics&utm_id=Coderobotics

Learn here how to use UTM tags:

Please write in the comment section if you have questions about Facebook Ads. I’ll help!