Google Rolls Out New Content Guidelines

Google has updated its Helpful Content Guidelines to reflect a greater acceptance of AI-generated content.

For years, Google highlighted the importance of content written by humans. Now, the language has changed from “helpful content written by people, for people, in search results” to “helpful content created for people in search results.”

Does this mean you can now assign all your content-writing tasks to ChatGPT?

I wouldn’t.

Sure, the writing abilities of generative AI will continue to get better. But they’re really just regurgitating content that’s already out there.

So, you’re getting the same information over and over in different words.

Is that really helpful?

What you want to put out there is fresh, original content that showcases your own experience and expertise.

What is considered “people-first content”?

“People-first content” is a concept that prioritizes the needs and satisfaction of users over search engine optimization (SEO) tactics. It’s about crafting content that genuinely benefits readers, rather than simply aiming for high rankings. Here are some key characteristics of people-first content:

Focus on user intent:

  • Addresses specific needs and queries: It answers the “why” behind user searches, providing solutions and addressing their pain points directly.
  • Offers value and solves problems: It gives users what they’re looking for, whether it’s information, entertainment, or guidance.
  • Avoids clickbait and misleading headlines: It’s honest and upfront about what the content offers, without resorting to deceptive tactics to attract clicks.

Prioritizes quality and authenticity:

  • Accurate and reliable information: It’s based on facts and trustworthy sources, free from biases or misinformation.
  • Clear and concise writing: It’s easy to understand and engaging, avoiding jargon and technical terms that alienate readers.
  • Original and insightful: It offers fresh perspectives and unique insights, not just regurgitated information.

Builds trust and relationships:

  • Authoritative and trustworthy: It comes from credible sources with expertise in the field, fostering trust and confidence.
  • Transparent and open communication: It encourages dialogue and feedback, addressing user concerns and showing a commitment to their needs.
  • Focuses on long-term value: It prioritizes sustainable content strategies that benefit users over quick wins or manipulative SEO tactics.

Examples of people-first content:

  • In-depth guides and tutorials that solve complex problems.
  • Compelling narratives and stories that resonate with readers on an emotional level.
  • Data-driven reports and analyses that provide valuable insights and information.
  • Informative and engaging blog posts that address user interests and concerns.

By shifting your focus towards creating people-first content, you can build stronger relationships with your audience, improve user satisfaction, and ultimately achieve greater success in the long run. Remember, it’s about providing genuine value and making a positive impact on your readers, not just manipulating search algorithms.

Tips on Writing People-First Content

Writing people-first content is about shifting your focus from churning out text for search engines to crafting engaging pieces that resonate with your actual readers. It’s about building connections and making a positive impact, not just ticking SEO boxes. Here are some tips to get you started:

Know your audience:

  • Create buyer personas: Define who your ideal reader is, their needs, challenges, and aspirations. This helps you tailor your content to their specific interests and pain points.
  • Listen to their voices: Engage with your audience through surveys, social media interactions, or comments. Understand their language, concerns, and preferred communication style.

Focus on value, not just information:

  • Solve problems: Offer actionable solutions, tips, and insights that help your audience achieve their goals or overcome obstacles.
  • Tell stories: Weave narratives that evoke emotions and make your content relatable. Share personal anecdotes or case studies to illustrate your points.
  • Be authentic and transparent: Share your expertise and insights in a way that feels genuine and trustworthy. Build trust by being open and transparent.

Prioritize clarity and readability:

  • Use plain language: Avoid jargon and technical terms that might alienate your audience. Write in a clear, concise, and conversational style.
  • Structure your content: Use headings, subheadings, bullet points, and visuals to make your content scannable and easy to digest.
  • Optimize for different platforms: Adapt your writing style and tone depending on the platform (e.g., blog post vs. social media caption).

Engage and interact:

  • Ask questions and encourage feedback: Create opportunities for dialogue and interaction with your audience. Respond to comments and address their concerns.
  • Be responsive and proactive: Share valuable content consistently and engage with your audience regularly. Show you care about their needs and opinions.

Bonus tips:

  • Focus on the “why” not just the “what”: Explain the benefits and impact of your content beyond just providing information.
  • Use humor and personality: Inject your writing with your unique voice and let your personality shine through.
  • Celebrate diversity and inclusivity: Represent different perspectives and experiences in your content.

Remember, writing people-first content is an ongoing process. Be patient, experiment, and keep refining your approach based on results and audience feedback. By putting your readers at the heart of your content strategy, you’ll build stronger relationships, create more meaningful connections, and ultimately achieve greater success.